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social sciences

  • 2025-2026 Research Residencies at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study

    social sciences, france, paris, research residencies in Paris, Paris institute for Advanced studiesThe Paris Institute for Advanced Study is a research center in the social sciences, humanities and cognitive (neuro)sciences, and a partner of the main Parisian higher education and research institutions.

    Please look at the 2025-2026 research residencies call at the Paris IAS ! It offers exceptional researchers in the social sciences and humanities the opportunity to develop a research project in ideal conditions that include: a full academic year (10 months) of time for research away from teaching and administrative responsibilities, insertion in an international and interdisciplinary community of top-level researchers and the largest concentration of scientists in Europe, within an excellent work and living environment in the heart of Paris.

    More here (link)

  • The GSRL (UMR 8582) in a glimpse

    Glimpse.jpgGroup Societies, Religions, Laicities  is a French research laboratory of the CNRS and the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE-PSL).

    The GSRL brings together researchers from different disciplines (history, sociology, political sciences, anthropology, philosophy, law, etc.) working on the transformations of religion and issues related to secularism in the contemporary world. Its field of competence encompasses many cultural areas.



    CAIRN.jpgDo you know CAIRN international ?

    "Founded in 2005 by four Belgian and French academic publishers, Cairn.info offers the most comprehensive online collection of francophone publications in social sciences and humanities. In 2023, more than 600 journals and 18 000 eBooks from major French, Belgian and Swiss publishers can be accessed by students, scholars and librarians worldwide on www.cairn.info. To make this invaluable content accessible to a non–francophone readership, Cairn.info launched Cairn International Edition, an English-language platform where abstracts and selected articles from key journals on Cairn.info are translated from French into English, enabling users to search, browse and read this content without speaking a word of French".

    Here is an sample of articles (Evangelicalism and postcolonial christianity) translated in english from this amazing scholarly collection (link)


  • France : welcome to Campus Condorcet

    Capture d’écran 2023-01-13 à 23.28.37.pngHave you not heard  yet of the CAMPUS CONDORCET (France) ?

    Time to catch up !

    Apart from being my beautiful workplace, it is one of the world's biggest social science university campus.

    "Campus Condorcet firmly believes that the exacting requirements of scientific excellence can be reconciled with social impact. It therefore intends to radically transform the approaches and practices used for research, training and innovation promotion in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) fields, as well as their interface with other sciences. This ambition for far-reaching change is on a par with the level of investment required to create a campus that will bring together an exceptionally large scientific community both by European and global standards (3500 researchers and 4600 doctoral students), in a dynamic region, and the many challenges that this entails". 


  • Ethnographic studies on Creole religion (ASSR)

    IMG_20220401_0001 2.jpgStarted in 1956 and currently published by Editions de l'EHESS, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions has a tri-part objective: to promote a comparative perspective, broadened by all religions, both living and dead; to encourage collaboration between all social sciences in order to shed light on the many facets of the phenomenon of religion; and to welcome the exposition of theoretical developments in research.

    The journal is bilingual (French and English) and occasionally trilingual (Spanish). It publishes two thematic issues and two bibliographic issues per year. The current issue, just released, has been coordinated by Valérie Aubourg and Mathieu Claveyrolas. It is about Creole religion, studied through ethnographic lenses. Two papers are written in English. Others are also provided with an abstract in English.

    A must-read ! Link.