You must have noticed that this young blog is currently coming back to life, after more than 6 months of hibernation.
The reason is simple: on a personal level, 2008 has been a very tough year (marked by grief).
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You must have noticed that this young blog is currently coming back to life, after more than 6 months of hibernation.
The reason is simple: on a personal level, 2008 has been a very tough year (marked by grief).
The globalization process brings specific issues: who will control the dynamics of the global capitalist economy? Two famous authors, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, emphasize in two well-known books, Empire and Multitude, that an imperial trend is currently working.
Its aim is domination, domination, and profit.
What about the religious factor? What about the role of Evangelicals in empire?
Did you think that since the Iraqi war, France and the US had nothing in common anymore?
Far from that.
I recently wrote in my French-speaking blog that our president, Nicolas Sarkozy, should not ignore the fact that the worldwide language is now GLOBISH. Which means : global English.
I criticized the fact that our president thought it would be useless to broadcast a French TV satellite channel in English. I stand in my positions. However, there is another side of the debate.
Our French President has recently drawn criticism after one of his speeches during his visit to the Vatican.
In front of the highest Roman Catholic Clergy, he emphasized the importance of the French "christian roots" (mainly Catholic), while he also pleaded for a "positive" version of "laïcité" (laicity, sometimes translated by secularism).
Both France and the USA do like to teach the World about values. These two great democracies share a common emphasis on universal rights, and it is no surprise if the world debate about the Iraqi war in 2003 turned around what France and what the US had to say.
How to explain that? By going back to History, particularly in studying the relationship between politics and religion in France and the US. This is what this new book is about.
In French, we describe a cliche or an extremely common topic as a «tarte à la crème» (cream pie). Sweet and familiar taste but difficult to digest.
In this regard, «Religion and Politics in America» is a typical «tarte à la crème». A very good (and important) topic, but hard to digest. Too many books, too many opinions, too many passions.
This particular book, however, deserves to be savoured more than others.
Hi! Welcome to this new blog.
First of all, this is an open window on French realities, but it is also a window on USA, UK and the Global Village through gallic lenses.